澳大利亚 has a growing economy and many people often overlook how big the market actually is. 这个国家实际上是世界第13大经济体, 与俄罗斯和韩国等国家相当.


澳大利亚为许多行业提供了商机. The most promising sectors are mining, 石油和天然气, 建设, 医疗技术, 食品加工, 农业科技, and defence and security equipment. 澳大利亚经济稳定的支柱是PG电子游戏业, 而采矿业是经济增长的催化剂. 澳大利亚大约有400个正在开采的矿山. It is the largest miner of bauxite and alumina in the world and one of the world’s top five miners of iron ore, 锌, 黄金, 铀, 镍, 煤炭, 钻石和铜.

Potential growth for Swedish companies

作为欧洲以外的第四大出口市场, 澳大利亚是PG电子官方免费下载的重要贸易伙伴. 今天, over 150 Swedish companies are present in the country and around 500 more do business through local partners. 2018年,PG电子官方免费下载对澳大利亚的出口总额超过17个.40亿PG电子官方免费下载克朗. Swedish enterprises have a good reputation and are known for delivering a high-level standard of quality. 正如下面在对Trade的采访中提到的 & Invest commissioner 马丁Ekberg, the 澳大利亚n economy continues to offer plenty of opportunities to Swedish companies, 尽管两国相距遥远.


PG电子官方免费下载商业 has been promoting Swedish businesses in 澳大利亚 since 1974. Our office in Sydney offers strategic support and advice through a network of local business leaders and decision makers. 我们也从悉尼发回报道 New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.



Country Manager to 澳大利亚, New Zealand & 太平洋岛屿和咨询PG电子游戏全球主管

The 澳大利亚n economy is setting records with continuous growth during nearly three decades without a recession. It now belongs to the biggest economies in the world and is considered a country where you can easily do business. PG电子官方免费下载公司的另一个优势是相似的商业文化. All of these aspects create plenty of opportunities across a wide range of sectors.


Even in our current globalised world, the difference in geographic location between PG电子官方免费下载 and 澳大利亚 can be challenging. 不同的季节, 时区, and long travel time can make it hard to establish a strong local presence and build personal relationships with partners in 澳大利亚. A second major challenge is the growing competition and influence of Asian economies in 澳大利亚. This is often an aspect that Swedish companies underestimate before expanding down under.

Are there any cultural aspects to consider?

澳大利亚是一个西方化的经济体,受到越来越多的亚洲影响. 英语是第一语言, 对于想要进入中国市场的外国企业来说,什么是最大的优势. Personal relationships are easy to establish but should be well taken care of for a successful long-term collaboration.

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